In the spotlight: three drag performers painting their identities through makeup

For many drag performers, makeup is an essential tool for creating a distinct personal image. However, unlike other performing art forms, it’s more than just putting on a costume or wearing stage makeup; it’s an opportunity to be more dramatic than is possible day-to-day, by exploring gender, art and identity.

Cake Boi, based in Birmingham, spends his time onstage lip-syncing to Lana Del Rey and delivering fantastical performances. Judas Darkholme, who works in Manchester, is a drag performer

Should you be ‘skinvesting’ in your twenties?

It’s no secret that Generation Z, otherwise known as ‘digital natives’, have been exposed to constantly changing beauty trends through the onslaught of influencer selfies and 17-step makeup routines on YouTube. The newest movement in the pursuit of modern-day perfection is all about the anti-ageing skincare routine. With a few years indoors quarantining, and spare time and access to the online world, Gen Z has been branded by cosmetic giants as ‘skintellectuals’; they are much savvier when it

Inside the exploding world of pimple popping videos

There are many ways to unwind after a long and busy day. Some opt for a glass of wine, some run themselves a bath. But an ever-expanding internet phenomenon has been the choice for many people to numb their brains before they drift off to sleep – pimple and pore extraction videos.

Starting roughly in 2015 by Dr. Sandra Lee (AKA Dr. Pimple Popper), this unlikely hero of the self-care and night-time routine has been a growing trend. Dr. Lee popularised it by uploading videos of extracting cysts,

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